Location and facilities
The company is located in the south of the province of Pontevedra, in the municipality of Ponteareas. This location is strategic as it belongs to the metropolitan area of Vigo which is one of the most imortant fishing and logistic ports in the world. The location is also key due to its proximity to Portugal, being this country the largest consumer of cod wrorldwide.
Bacalao Outón features 5.000m2 of industrial premises, seated on a plot of land of 10.000 m2, exclusively intended to cod production. These premises are divided in sections (raw material chambers, drying tunnels, processing and cutting areas, packaging and labelling areas, stocking chambers), all of them with computer-controlled temperature and humidity, to maintain the product in pristine condition at all times.
In recent years we have invested heavily in improving our facilities to meet growing demand and ensure the correct treatment of the product throughout the production process.
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